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Image by Road Trip with Raj

"I try to look at every role the same way, regardless of whether the character is real or the character is a fantasy. I always start from myself, because you have to know yourself first."
              ~ Chadwick Boseman


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annoyed by games, sounds, lights, speed, screaming... or blank stares...

fact that you are ignored...

fact that your child is annoyed by attempts to get them off

feel like playing, neglecting responsibilities

extreme reactions to the game, or when boundaries are set

exposure to innapropriate themes/players

difficulty monitoring and knowing what to look for

not having the nergy to monitor, but no other way to get it done

you've become the enemy. don't like feeling of negative thoughts toward child. lazy, annoying... unmotivated...

Complicated by the fact that only social activity is online. Covid


wanting positive experiences with child


Common complaints and concerns that parents ''ve worked with have had. While I work with children/youth to self-assess monitor and regulate use... 

also gaming literacy to discuss and know what's happening, understand what games children are playing, so you can determine what's right for your family. 

You want to help your child feel Capable as a Geek or Gamer "in real life," but:

  • find it difficult to manage emotions, thoughts, and actions in "real" life situations

  • get easily frustrated by or have difficulty focusing on subjects outside of your interests

  • have negative thoughts about your intelligence, skills, and abilities, perhaps even wishing to change who you are

  • are preoccupied with your interests and ignore other important aspects of your life

  • feel like this the only thing you're good and don't know how or where to apply your strengths in real life


You want to help your child feel Connected as a Geek or Gamer "in real life," but:

  • are seen as immature, lazy, or as misfit for your interests

  • are not able to share what you love with others due to their lack of interest

  • are not able to use your collaborative strengths in "real" world situations

  • are around others who do not understand, accept, or support your interests

  • are overly competitive with others

  • you are excluded or marginalized by those with power and privilege

  • you don't see positive representations of yourself in the media you enjoy


You want to help your child feel Motivated as a Geek or Gamer "in real life," but:

  • rather escape to other worlds

  • find more inspiration from your interests than what's expected of you by society

  • have difficulty defining what you want

  • don't have a sense of larger purpose

  • don't have the energy, time, or determination

  • don't have a dream

  • you don't trust that it is possible to reach your dreams

  • don't have a way of understanding why we are here or why things happen as they do



Challenges outside:

- no interest, not engaged

- linear, reason, reading, logic... 

- not verbally expressive

- difficult with rigidity/compliance with directions

- different way of learning


Although your child has a gift and talent for art and creativity, you worry that they are not focusing their time and energy on academics, social skills, or other activities that will guarantee success.

(art profession are not reliable sources of income, fraught with competition, ... you may not be sure that their art of choice is appropriate/alignment with your values)

It's great ___ but, may be failing, have few friends, 

gear/equipment... expensive... 

perfectionism, low frustration tolerance





If you think that you would like to translate your strengths of imagination, creation, collaboration, experimentation, and learning to other areas of your life... to becoming the teller of untold stories, let's Speak out!


You want to feel Capable as a Creative or Artist "in real life," but you:

  • are overwhelmed by life events and challenges

  • don't have significant opportunities to apply your craft in the "real" world

  • don't have enough time, energy, support, or resources to devote to your passion

  • compare yourself to others and give up before you begin

  • have difficulty maintaining focus, finishing ideas, or making decisions

  • harbor negative beliefs about yourself and your craft which hold you back


You want to feel Connected as a Creative or Artist "in real life," but you:

  • are seen by others as a hobbyist, amateur, or non-professional

  • are told that success in your craft is highly unlikely

  • keep your craft to yourself to avoid judgment from others

  • are around others who do not understand, accept, or support your interests

  • overly compete with others

  • don't see positive representations of yourself in the media you enjoy

  • face stereotypes that shape others' expectations of you and your craft


You want to feel Motivated as a Creative or Artist "in real life," but you:

  • hold yourself back from giving voice to a greater cause

  • would rather escape to other worlds

  • are held back by negative emotions

  • feel you haven't created work with meaning

  • wait to feel inspired instead of cultivating discipline

  • are forced to stay inside the box


"Art is the only way to run away without leaving home."
                       ~ Twyla Tharp

Image by Josep Molina Secall

"You're here for a reason. You're a well, healthy, powerful being who has chosen to bring something unique into this world."
                                         ~ Sobonfu Somé

Image by CA Creative



If your child has a spiritual nature, you likely see it as a great strength. It may even be a shared family value, but you may not be sure how to help your child apply it to areas of their life where they may be struggling. You may feel the threat of bias or stigma when support requires talking about spiritual experiences or beliefs with others who may not be open to such ideas. This can be particularly difficult in a professional setting such as a school or health care center.​ Your child may also be sensitive, and you are unsure of how to help them manage, process, and express their emotions.


You may have experiences of seeing shadows, vivid dreams, or speaking with those who have passed.

Unsure of how to process in an age-appropriate way.


- sensitive to environment, hypervigilant

- emotional mood swings

- very verbal, sound mature

- sensitive to other's moods

- strong memory

- sleep trouble

(good communication... but deep emotions... age appropriate) 


I've had the fortune of knowing a Pastor who talks about metaphysics, the paranormal, energy & healing, so I understand the value of having spaces to talk about experiences that are not always acknowledged, welcomed, or validated. 

You want your child to feel Capable as a Spiritual individual "in real life," but they:

  • no opportunities to use skills

  • are easily overwhelmed by their emotions

  • have difficulty maintaining focus

  • ​

You want your child to feel Connected to others as a Spiritual individual "in real life," but they:

  • are seen as superstitious, a wishful thinker, or woo woo

  • highly sensitive to energies of others

  • reactivity may push others away


You want to feel Motivated as a Spiritual individual "in real life," but they:

  • anxiety, shutting down

  • are held back by negative thoughts and emotions

  • unsure how to frame their experiences

  • ​

A person outside of the general structure of a people company. Exit the project, dismissal


​If you are a Geek & Gamer, Creative or Artist, and or Spiritual Seeker who is also seeking support with:

  • Anxiety

  • Racial & Cultural Identity

  • ACEs/Trauma

  • Anger control

  • Unhealthy gaming and technology use

  • Grief and Loss

  • Depression

  • ADHD

  • Discrimination/Oppression

and you believe that healthy engagement with your passions, in connection to yourself, others and purpose can be a path to healing wounds, let's see if we are a good fit to walk it togeher.  

Image by Esther Verdú

Here's What I Offer

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