Adolescent Therapy
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Service Description
Sometimes it may feel that your child is hiding behind video games, phones, and other screens. Hiding from responsibilities. Hiding from the challenges of life. Hiding from feelings. Hiding from a diagnosis. Hiding from judgement. From the world. From others. From you. From themselves. Their interests seem limited and you worry about their ability to learn, connect with others, and engage in experiences that will help them grow. Adulthood, and all its associated pressures and risks feels closer and closer as every year passes more quickly than the last. If you could only help them emerge from self-imposed isolation. Even when you finally get them to try something new, they are uninterested, bored, deflated, and preoccupied with returning to their secluded world. Is the power struggle and micromanaging is worth it... because it protects your child, but it may be setting you further a part. You many not even recognize them anymore. I believe you've done an excellent job, and your current experience, that the changes you see mean that your child has successfully reached a new stage in development, and new ways of parenting are needed. Simple in concept, but difficult in practice. If you want change for your child and are open to the necessary changes that it requires in you, we may be a great fit. - understanding you and your child's worldview and inner experience, impact from childhood - entering their world, developing their strengths, opportunities to find outside use - support school, home, and social balance and performance in these areas - improving communication, managing emotions, decision making - identifying areas to demonstrate independence, freeing your energy from micromanaging, while allowing them to practice life skills with more choice - identify opportunities for connection