Child Therapy
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Service Description
Children are our greatest teachers. They live moment to moment, are in touch with their senses, and find opportunities to play, be curious, and use their creativity at every corner. They also challenge us to regulate our emotions as they are learning to manage their own. There are a number of reasons why a child may begin to struggle and it can manifest in equally numerous and complex ways, in various settings, such as at home, in school, or in community. with great imagingation,creativity... unanswered questions... come with risk. it is easy for child to beliving things that aren't true about themselves. That's where we come in. not only numbers, letters, facts... we must teach them to accurately appriase their wrold, others and themselves, so they're not centering themsleves as the problem. (understanidng emotions, thoughts, actions).. Children who face challenges are frequently laballed as problem child. avoidant. resistant. aggressive. shut down... hyperactive... Must acknowledge the trauma, bias in schools, impact of world events, suchas a COVID... community violence... in an age-appropriate way, help children make sense of their epxerience so they will not inernalize false believes about themselves that will limit their engagemnt in the world... Play. art. below verbal... connect it to verbal expression, integration tell new story of growth, resilience.